🧊 The Plunge - November 8, 2023

Clarity on staying healthy and happy arrives every day, from all corners of the globe. The Plunge brings you the information you always wanted: current, clear-cut answers from the world's leading scientists and creators.


Humane - AI Pin

It's a big week for technology. Humane is due to release their first product on Thursday, November 9th. The AI Pin is a discreet chip worn on the clothing. It hit the stage at Paris Fashion Week in September, but not before a June Ted Talk by co-founder and former Apple designer Imran Chaudhri. During his 14 minute presentation, Chaudhri showed off the lightweight wearable and its potential. In one demo, the AI Pin seamlessly translated one of his comments into French while speaking in his voice, inflections and all.

The 10 minute mark, though, is when we really get a glimpse into the AI Pin's possibilities. Chaudhri holds up a chocolate bar and asks whether he can eat it. The Pin's camera and AI software determine that the product has dairy, which he should avoid. Whether it's small wearables like this, smart glasses, or my personal dream, contact lenses, the world will soon be annotated with our personal preferences and the vast stores of knowledge that can help us improve our behaviors.



Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables

The CDC categorized 41 foods as “powerhouse” fruits and vegetables (PFVs). Just 100 calories of these foods provides at least 10% of the daily value needed for 17 essential nutrients. The fruits and veggies were ranked on nutrient density, the average daily values you’d get from eating 100 kcal. The top 5 foods are below. Time to rewrite your grocery list:

  1. Watercress
  2. Chinese cabbage
  3. Chard
  4. Beet green
  5. Spinach
  6. Chicory
  7. Leaf lettuce
  8. Parsley
  9. Romaine lettuce
  10. Collard greens

Centers for Disease Control

Boredom and Eating

A recent study out of Aston University in the UK confirmed what we all know, boredom leads to eating. Researchers brought 4 and 5 year olds into the lab to understand their eating habits in response to various moods. Specifically looking at boredom, kids ate nearly 80% more when they were bored (95 kcal) compared to being a normal mood (59 kcal). The difference was far more severe (104 kcal vs 21 kcal) when the child's parents regularly soothed their emotional states with food. It's known that emotional eating (EE) leads to consumption of fatty, sugary foods, but the impact of boredom hasn't been specifically studied. While children are much more likely to be bored, it's a warning to us all that improving our diets starts well before that fridge door opens. (SciTechDaily - ScienceDirect)


Personal health management is changing for the better, and AI tools are sure to make it easier. The Plunge + AI will explore new tech and how to improve our lives with a little help from our technological friends.

McDonald's: Where's the Protein?

I served up a simple task to ChatGPT: "Maximize protein under 800 calories". I included a link to the McDonald's nutritional facts and ChatGPT (w/ "AI PDF") delivered:

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The Plunge

Hey I'm Corey, the curator of The Plunge, my newsletter focused on healthspan and longevity. The Plunge gives subscribers up to date articles, podcasts, and videos about longevity and remaining mentally fit while living a long, happy life. ~Corey

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